Is Argentina safe for travel?

Ramiro Rodriguez
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If you´re organizing a trip to South America, you would like to know if it´s safe to travel to Argentina. And the answer is Yes. Argentina is absolutely safe, and a great place to travel. More: Argentina is considered one of the safest countries in South America. Of course, it’s always wise to be cautious when wandering urban areas. Though Buenos Aires is safe for travelers, it’s important to stay alert, as robbery is all too common. The same alert that you have visiting a big city in any area of the world.

Demonstrations in Buenos Aires are common and it´s not a problem. And regardless of the occasion, prioritize your personal safety and stay in a spot you could easily leave if things get heated.

As I already mentioned, Argentina in general is safe to travel. However, in cities like Buenos Aires, you have to be very attentive to two things:

1 – Do not take out valuables in public and avoid carrying a lot of money or credit cards with you. .
2- Do not go into villas or unsafe neighborhoods.

Small towns in the countryside are generally safe and secure, but you should use common sense and never leave your items unattended. Other cities to be alert for robbery are Mendoza, Rosario, Cordoba. Patagonia is extremely safe.

So, Argentina is a safe country and a wonderful place to enjoy different landscapes and rich culture.


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Ramiro Rodriguez
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