distances carretera austral chile
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Carretera Austral: distances between main destinations

Distances between main destinations in Carretera Austral

Puerto Montt and Coyhaique are the two head cities to discover the amazing Carretera Austral. You can fly to  Puerto Montt and stay in Puerto Varas, or fly to Balmaceda and stay in Coyhaique and from there, visit the amazing Carretera Austral. Check distances between Puerto Montt and Coyhaique and the main destinations in the Carretera Austral:



Distances from Puerto Montt to main attractions in the Carretera Austral

From Puerto Montt to Chaiten and Pumalin National Park: 240 km
From Puerto Montt to Futaleufu, 391 km
From Puerto Montt to Puyuhuapi: 428 km
From Puerto Montt to Queulat National Park: 435 km
From Puerto Montt to Coyhaique: 661 km
From Puerto Montt to Cerro Castillo National Park: 757 km
From Puerto Montt to Puerto Tranquilo and Marble Cathedral: 877 km
From Puerto Montt to Chile Chico and Patagonia National Park: 814 km
From Puerto Montt to Cochrane: 991 km
From Puerto Montt to Caleta Tortel: 1116 km
From Puerto Montt to Villa O´Higgins: 1224 km


Distances from Coyhaique to main attractions in the Carretera Austral

From Coyhaique to Chaiten and Pumalin National Park: 421 km
From Coyhaique to Futaleufú: 422 km
From Coyhaique to Puyuhuapi: 233 km
From Coyhaique to Queulat National Park: 240 km
From Coyhaique to Puerto Montt: 661 km
From Coyhaique to Cerro Castillo National Park: 98 km
From Coyhaique to Puerto Tranquilo and Marble Cathedral: 216 km
From Coyhaique to Chile Chico and Patagonia National Park: 154 km
From Coyhaique to Cochrane: 330 km
From Coyhaique to Caleta Tortel: 455 km
From Coyhaique to Villa O´Higgins: 563 km



Activities available from Coyhaique to visit the Carretera Austral South

Check some amazing activities available from Coyhaique to discover the incredible Carretera Austral South


 Full day Marble Cathedral and General Carreras Lake
 Trekking to Laguna Verde in Cerro Castillo National Park
 Rafting in Rio Baker




Tours to visit Carretera Austral South

We have different options, but our 307 tour – Carretera Austral Basic Tour is one of my favorites. Check more information


tickets carretera austral tour - 3 night basic tour to the Carretera Austral, Patagonia




More tours to visit Chile!

If you´re looking for more tours to visit Chile, check our complete list of tours to visit Chile by clicking in the image below



Complete list of tours to visit Chile


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