Money and local currency in Chile - ripioturismo dmc for chile
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Tipping in Chile

Tipping in Chile

Tips are very usual in Chile.  The tips are usually not included in the bill, but it`s important you don`t forget to tip when you pay in restaurants, bars, and during tourist services. Wages tend to be rather low, and many service workers depend on gratuities. As always, don’t just give tips because you feel you have to though. If they are expecting tips, then you should expect top service.



Tips in Restaurants and Cafes

tipping etiquette dictates you give leave a gratuity of at least 10% of your restaurant bill. Some establishments will include 10%, in which case you should still give at least 5% directly to your server. They make very low wages and can really use the extra money.


Tips in hotels, bus porters, delivery people and hotel porters

Tipping the staff at hotels is common. It’s considered good tipping etiquette to leave a gratuity for anyone that helps you out. Maids should get around 1000 pesos per night (per person); 500-1000 pesos per bag to the porters, and 5,000-10,000 pesos for the concierge. It’s especially important to tip the concierge if you require his services since the quality of service will likely depend on it.


Tips in the taxi

Tipping taxi drivers is not required and not very usual for the locals. But many it`s very usual that you do not receive the change and round up the final price.



Tips to the tour guide

Well, if the service is excellent, you can tip 5000 to 12000 pesos of the service, or 10 to 20 dollars. If you were unhappy with your tour, you shold still leave a gratuity, just explain your concerns as a feedback.

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