Rio de Janeiro locatation in the map
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Where is Rio de Janeiro located? Where is Rio de Janeiro on a map?

Where is Rio de Janeiro located? Where is Rio de Janeiro on a map?

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous cities in South America. It´s located in Brazil, over the Atlantic Ocean and it´s an icon of the country. Rio de Janeiro is a huge coastal city in Brazil, famous for its Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, the 38-meter-high Christ the Redeemer statue on Corcovado hill, and the Sugarloaf Mountain, a granite peak with cable cars that ascend to its top. The city is also known for its extensive favelas. The raucous Carnival festival, with float parades, flamboyant costumes and samba dancers, is considered the largest in the world. But, where is located? Where is Rio de Janeiro located on a map?

Rio de Janeiro located on a map

The city occupies the western margin of the Guanabara Bay, which encompasses the existing land between Copacabana and Itaipú, and some of its islands, such as Gobernador and Paquetá. It sits on flat terrain, surrounded by mountains and hills. The Sierra del Mar, on the Atlantic edge of the plain, is located northwest of the city, about 40 km from the coast. The city occupies an area of ​​1,182.3 km², which means a population density of 4,781 inhabitants / km².

Check the following map to see where is located Rio de Janeiro, a “cidade maravillhosa”


rio de janeiro location map_Mesa de trabajo 1



The coast is washed by the South Atlantic and the city stretches on the western side of Guanabara Bay between Copacabana and Itaipu. After Sao Paulo, it is the second most populous city in Brazil, just as its GDP is the second in the country. It is one of the most attractive tourist sites due to its geographical location, many call it a “wonderful city”.

Because of the place where Rio de Janeiro is located, the city has a relief of great contrasts where we can find mountains, large lagoons and extensions of forests, cliffs that arise from the sea, and beautiful beaches along its coasts. All this joining with urban development.

An aspect that distinguishes the geography of Rio de Janeiro in addition to its great vegetation, are its lagoons, many of which are within the National Parks and therefore are protected. Among the most important we have: Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Jacarepaguá Lagoon, Marapendi Lagoon, Tijuca Lagoon, among others.



Check activities available in Rio de Janeiro

We have a complete list of activities and excursions to enjoy Rio de Janeiro. One of these activities is the Carnival Experience, to learn more about the amazing Carnival of Rio de Janeiro





Enjoy our tours to visit Rio de Janeiro and other destinations in Brazil

Are you looking for tours to visit Rio de Janeiro and other destinations in Brazil? One of my favorites is the #453 – Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Iguazu Falls. Check more information by clicking in the image below


453 tour, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Iguazu Falls - Brazil



More tours to visit Rio de Janeiro and Brazil

We have a complete list of tours to visit Rio de Janeiro and other amazing destinations in Brazil. Check our complete list of tours for Brazil here


tours to visit Brazil



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