How far is Perito Moreno Glacier from El Calafate?
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How far is Perito Moreno Glacier from Buenos Aires?

How far is Perito Moreno Glacier from Buenos Aires?

Well, first of all, we need to know that El Calafate is the place where you have to arrive by air from Buenos Aires to visit the glacier. So, after a 3-hour flight, you will arrive in El Calafate, a small town from where you can visit the Perito Moreno Glacier and many other glaciers in Los Glaciares National Park. El Calafate is located 2650 km from Buenos Aires.

Once in El Calafate, the Perito Moreno Glacier is located 80 km from the town. It´s around 1-hour drive to arrive at this amazing colossus of ice.



Tours to visit Perito Moreno Glacier and Patagonia

We have many great tours to visit El Calafate from Buenos Aires. Take a look to one of my favourites:



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