route from cusco tu puno_
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From Cusco to Puno and Titicaca Lake

From Cusco to Puno and Titicaca Lake

One of the most interesting routes you can enjoy in Peru is from Cusco to Puno. After visiting the ancient capital city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, and the Sacred Valley a great idea is to go to Puno to visit the Titicaca Lake.

Departure from Cusco to Puno

During the bus ride which takes about 8 hours you will discover different interesting points, like the temple of Andahuaylillas, the Inka temple of Raqchi, the Raya pass at 4.335 m visits and the Inka Aymara museum of Pukara.


Colonial Temple Andahuaylillas (3122 m)

You will visit the Temple of St. Peter the Apostle. The interior walls and ceilings are with admirable fresh paintings and bathed in gold.

This small town has with it one of the most recognized buildings in history. In this place is the famous church of San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas, a construction that was called “The Sistine Chapel of America” ​​which, according to the testimony of its inhabitants, is one of the most surprising and beautiful places of the Catholic religion.


Why was the Andahuaylillas church called “The Sistine Chapel of America?

This beautiful church is called “The Sistine Chapel of America” ​​because here you can find great and interesting works that would correspond to the Cusqueña School of the seventeenth century, these paintings were made by important painters of the time, highlighting Luis de Riaño (Peruvian representative of colonial painting and the most important disciple of Angelino Medoro from whom he learned the Contramanierista style and introduced the technique in Cusco painting), in La Capilla de Sistina you can see beautiful altarpieces carved in wood and covered in gold leaf, this technique they are also found on the walls and ceiling.

Titicaca Lake from Puno

Raqchi – Temple of Wiracocha (3450 m)

The most important structure of the archaeological site of Raqchi is the Temple of Wiracocha, a huge two-story rectangular structure measuring 92 meters long by 25.5 wide and about 9.80 meters high. Its central wall was made of finely carved stones. The base has a height of about 3 meters. adobe (earth bricks with sun-dried straw) walls are 1.65 meters. thick at the base and 1.30 meters. Approximately at the top.


La Raya (4335 m)

It is the highest point of this trip. La Raya is the border between the regions of Cusco and Puno, it is a typical natural space of the Puna area, the surrounding flora is composed of Ichu, and its fauna is composed of Alpacas, Llamas and Vicuñas.

La Raya is the highest point on the Puno to Cusco route which is at 4338 meters above sea level, a cold and remote place, it is this place we will observe the snow-capped mountains of the Andes mountain range, here the rivers that go to Cusco are born, giving rise to the Amazon river and those who go to Puno will be tributaries of Lake Titicaca.


Pukara (3900 m)

It is the most important ceremonial center of the Altiplano. In the museum, you can discover the origin of the Pucara culture through sculptures and ceramics litho.


Arrival to Puno (3800 m)

Finally, arrive to Puno, the gate to visit Titicaca Lake, and continue traveling to  La Paz in Bolivia if you want.



Tours to visit Cusco, Machu Picchu, Puno and Titicaca Lake

We have some great programs to enjoy these amazing destinations in Peru. Take a look at one of my favorites: 555 – Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Puno, Titicaca Lake, La Paz & Uyuni



If it´s not what you´re looking for, no problem. We have many other options to enjoy Peru and South America. Check the image below to see the complete list of tours to visit Peru 


Tours to visit Peru




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