Tipping in Uruguay, visit Uruguay with RipioTurismo DMC for Argentina and Uruguay
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Tipping in Uruguay

Tipping in Uruguay


Tips are very usual in Uruguay. The name you have to use for the tip is “propina”. The tips are usually not included in the bill, but it`s important you don`t forget to tip when you pay in restaurants, bars, and during tourist services.


Tips in Restaurants and Cafes

Tipping in restaurants in Uruguay is never mandatory, but certainly usual and desired. If you receive good service a 10% is ok. If you order just a drink, rounding up your change to the nearest 10 pesos is fine. Note that you probably won’t see a “tip” section on your bill, so it is a good idea to bring some spare cash because the tip will be not included in the bill.

Tips in hotels, bus porters, delivery people and hotel porters

Tipping the staff at hotels is common.

At the airport, tip the handler 20 pesos. Same goes for a hotel porter. Single dollar bills are handy tip material, acceptable anywhere in Latin America.

If you want to avoid handlers at the airport look steelily ahead as they approach you and do not engage in conversation.


Tips in the taxi

Tipping taxi drivers is not required and not very usual for the locals. But many people leave the change for their driver in order to round up the final price. However, if the taxi driver goes out of his way to help carry bags or is especially helpful in giving directions, you should leave a more substantial tip. A few pesos are sufficient. It is perfectly acceptable to sit there and wait for your 5 pesos change if you wish.


Tips to the tour guide

Well, if the service is excellent, you can tip 10-20% of the service, or 10 to 20 dollars. If you were unhappy with your tour, you shold still leave a gratuity, just explain your concerns as a feedback.


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