El Plumerillo - Mendoza Airport - Argentina // RipioTurismo DMC for Argentina
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How to arrive to Mendoza?

If you`re looking to arrive to Mendoza City, you can take a flight from Buenos Aires, or Santiago de Chile, or arrive by land. Take look to some important information about how to arrive to Mendoza:


Arriving to Mendoza by air

You can get to Mendoza by air, arriving to El Plumerillo internatoinal airport. And you can arrived throught either Buenos Aires or Santiago de Chile on most major international airlines.

There are several flights that arrives daily to Mendoza International Airport from both Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. The airport is located only 7 km north of the city center. Taxis or remises to downtown Mendoza from the airport are easily available. If you fly from Buenos Aires, Mendoza is just a 1.5 hour flight away from the capital city. If you’re flying into Buenos Aires and proceeding directly to Mendoza, make sure that you have enough time to catch your Buenos Aires-Mendoza flight. International flights into Buenos Aires (EZE) and domestic flights out to Mendoza (AEP) leave from different airports, which, without traffic, are a 45-minute to 1-hour cab ride apart, at minimum.

If you arrive from Santiago de Chile by air, it`s just a 30-minute flight to Mendoza. More importantly, you pass over the gorgeous Andes mountains along the way, so there are incredible photo opportunities. Be sure to book a window seat.


Arriving to Mendoza by land

You also can drive from Buenos Aires to Mendoza, along 7 national route. Mendoza is located 1189 km from the capital city. There are several bus services from Buenos Aires and other important cities in Argentina. If you arrive from Santiago de Chile, you will enjoy also an imposing landscape crossing the amazing Andes range. Santiago de chile is located 363 km, but the drive will take around 5 hours. There are many bus alternatives that goes from Santiago de Chile to Mendoza.

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