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Where is Buenos Aires? Where is Buenos Aires located on a map?

Where is Buenos Aires? Where is Buenos Aires located on a map?

It seems like a simple question, but many wonder where Buenos Aires is located. Where is Buenos Aires located on the map? The capital of Argentina is a city recognized throughout the world and a magnet for all who visit South America for the first time.


Buenos Aires: general facts & location

Buenos Aires is the great cosmopolitan capital of Argentina. Its center is the Plaza de Mayo, surrounded by imposing 19th-century buildings, including the Casa Rosada, the iconic presidential palace that has several balconies. Other top attractions include the Teatro Colón, a luxurious 1908 opera house with about 2,500 seats, and the modern MALBA museum, which showcases Latin American art.

General facts:

Surface: 203 km²
Elevation: 25 m
Total Population:  3 075 646 hab.1
Population Density: 15 150,96 hab/km²
Population with the Metropolitan area: 17 541 141 hab.
Time Zone: UTC-3

Buenos Aires: Where is Buenos Aires located on a map?

Check the location map below. Buenos Aires is located in South America, at 34 ° 36 ‘south latitude and 58 ° 26’ west longitude, on the banks of the Río de la Plata. In front of its coasts, Colonia del Sacramento is already in Uruguay, and further afield, Montevideo, the capital of that country, 220 km away (25 min by plane or 2 hr 30 by boat). At 1065 km (1 hr 50 by plane) is Asunción, the capital of Paraguay; 1139 km (2 hours by plane), Santiago, the capital of Chile; and a little further, at 1,719 km (3 hours by plane), is São Paulo (Brazil), the other great metropolis in South America.


buenos aires location map


What to do in Buenos Aires?

Are you looking for activities in Buenos Aires? Check our complete list of tours to visit Buenos Aires




More activities to visit Buenos Aires!


Walking Tour in Buenos Aires with guided visit to Colon Theatre

Biking Tour in Buenos Aires

Eva Peron Walking Tour in Buenos Aires

Fiesta Gaucha Excursion to the Pampas



Buenos Aires Tours: Visit Buenos Aires and include destinations in Patagonia

Check some interesting tours to include Buenos Aires and many other destinations in Patagonia:


The Amazing Tour of Patagonia – 25 nights

Visiting Patagonia Tour – 12 nights

Enjoying Patagonia Tour – 12 nights

Complete Argentina Tour – 24 nights



Check a complete list of tours to visit Buenos Aires and Argentina!

We have many tours available. Check our complete list of tours to visit Argentina!


Amazing Tours to Visit Argentina




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