When to visit Mendoza?
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Best season to visit Mendoza

Best season to visit Mendoza

Mendoza is a wonderful place to enjoy the natural landscapes, the vineyards, the wineries and the Malbec wine, adventure activities, snow… So, the best time to visit Mendoza could be different if you´re interested in snow or in some adventure activities, or just visit this amazing region to taste the typical wine.

Weather is important. The first thing we have to tell you is that rains are not usual in Mendoza, so it´s great news. And what about temperatures? Extremely high? Temperated? Well, take a look at the following graphics:


Temperatures in Mendoza - Weather in Mendoza, month by month - RipioTurismo DMC


As you can see, the temperature is not a problem. Mendoza offers summers with sunny days, and good temperatures as humidity is not high. So, summers are perfect to enjoy outdoors activities, and visit wineries.


Take a look to complete information about the weather in Mendoza all the year


But, if you´re a snow lover, and you want to enjoy the ski season, you have to arrive in Mendoza during wintertime, it´s from middle June to the first days of September. And the main ski centers are Potrerillos and Las Leñas, located in the south of Mendoza Province.



Mendoza: best month to visit

So, what´s the best season to visit Mendoza? Definitely all the year, but the visit is also linked to the visit to the rest of the country. As Argentina is a large country with around 5000 km from south to north, weather and best seasons to visit different areas changes. For example, if you want to focalize on Patagonia, but include Mendoza, a good idea is to come during the October-March period, because it´s the best season to visit Patagonia, and it´s also great for Mendoza.


Tours including Mendoza

Take a look at the following 105 tour, including Buenos Aires, Patagonia, and Mendoza:



But, you may be already visited Patagonia in your last trip and want to focalize on the north area of Argentina. Well, April, May, June, July, August, September, and of course the rest of the year is also great. For example, our 104-tour called The Argentinian North is a great idea for that:



We have many alternatives, and we can customize your tour. So, let´s know when you want to travel, and we will arrange the best trip for you. Visit our Suggested Tours area, or email us at info@ripioturismo.com  We´re here to help you!

Thank you,


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