How to go from El Calafate to Torres del Paine

from el calafate to torres del paine

How to go from El Calafate to Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine (and viceversa)? Location Map Two of the most amazing destinations in the southern portion of Patagonia, are El Calafate with the Perito Moreno and other glaciers in Los Glaciares National Park and Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine National Park. These two […]

RIPIOTURISMO INTERVIEWS: Tierra Atacama, a wonderful place in the chilean north!

RIPIOTURISMO INTERVIEWS: Tierra Atacama in the chilean north! We met Fiona Martin, from Tierra Hotels, to talk about Tierra Atacama and their services San Pedro de Atacama is one of the highlights when you visit Chile, and Atacama desert a must-see. One of the best places to stay during your visit is Tierra Atacama. Today, […]

Visiting Chiloe in the Lakes District of Chile

  One of the most visited regions in Chile, the Lake District, which can be reached by plane from Santiago de Chile, to the city of Puerto Montt, and stay there or usually in Puerto Varas, more touristic and beautiful. From there, you can do many activities and visits to national parks, lakes, volcanoes. But […]

ARGENTINA AND CHILE: Average temperatures in summer and winter season

WEATHER IN ARGENTINA AND CHILE If you`re planning your trip to Argentina and Chile, an important item would be the average temperature you can expect during your visit. Of course, temperatures are not the same in Patagonia, in Buenos Aires and Santiago, or in the north area.  The following information is only informative, these are […]

Approximate flight times between main destinations in Argentina and Chile

When you travel to Argentina or Chile or maybe to combine both countries, an important point to know is the approximated flight times between main cities. These are large countries with at least 5000 km from north to south, so it`s nice to check how many hours we have to fly to combine for example […]

RipioTurismo Interview: VIK, a luxury place for a wine lover in Santiago

VIK EXPERIENCE: We met Julia Parapugna, Sales Director at Vik Retreats to talk about this wonderful place Alexander Vik, is a Norwegian entrepreneur who set out to create a vineyard in 2004, for the creation of a unique and excellent wine. Not only did it succeed, but it also added an exceptional hotel with 22 […]

Icons of South America: Torres del Paine National Park

Icons of South America: Torres del Paine National Park

Torres del Paine National Park: Basic information One of the highlights you can find in Patagonia, is no doubt, the incredible Torres del Paine National Park. Torres del Paine National Park is located in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region, Torres del Payne commune, Ultima Esperanza province. It was created in 1959 and It is […]

Local Currency in Chile: Information & where to exchange money

Chilean Peso CLP - Currency in Chile by RipioTurismo Incoming Tour Operator Chile and Argentina

Local Currency in Chile: Information & where to exchange money   The peso is the currency of Chile. The current peso has circulated for more than 45 years, since 1975, with a previous version circulating between 1817 and 1960. The Chilean peso code is CLP. It is officially subdivided into 100 centavos, although there are […]

FAQ`s about Chile

Frequent Ask Questions about Chile - FAQ`s Chile - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile

FAQ`s about Chile Chile is a large country, a narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Chile covers an area of 756,096 square kilometres (291,930 sq mi) and has a population of 17.5 million as of 2017.  The capital and largest city is Santiago and […]

Approximated flight times between destinations in Chile & Argentina

Destinatinos in Chile and flight times - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile

Approximated flight times in Chile and Argentina When you visit Chile, an extense country from north to south, you may be would be interested in check what are the flight times between the main destinations. You can fly from Santiago to San Pedro de Atacama, but how long is that flight? And what about your […]

How to get to Puerto Varas and the Lakes District in Chile?

Puerto Varas Airport - ripioturismo dmc for chile

How to get to Puerto Varas and the Lakes District in Chile? Puerto Varas is the gate to visit the Chilean Lakes District, and a wide variety of attractions. But, how to get Puerto Varas?   Arriving to Puerto Varas by land There are bus services from Santiago de Chile and other areas in Chile. […]

How to get to San Pedro de Atacama?

How to arrive to San Pedro de Atacama - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile and Argentina

How to get to San Pedro de Atacama? San Pedro de Atacama is the gate to visit amazing unique landscapes in the Chilean north: the Atacama desert, Tatyo Geysers,  Puritama Hot Springs, Moon and Mars Valley and more. But, how to get San Pedro de Atacama?   Arriving to San Pedro de Atacama by air […]

How to get to Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine?

Arriving to Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine National Park - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile

How to reach Torres del Paine? Well, Torres del Paine National Park is one of the highlights in Patagonia, and I`m sure that you will be arriving at the area if you`re traveling to Patagonia on your next trip. Now, how to get to Puerto Natales, and what about Torres del Paine?   Arriving at […]

1002 – 阿根廷与智利 – 12晚

1002 – 阿根廷与智利 – 12晚 我們最受歡迎的旅行之一,邀請您在僅12個難以忘懷的夜晚中體驗阿根廷和智利的最佳之處。這個冒險從阿根廷充滿活力的首都布宜諾斯艾利斯開始。沉浸於掀起迷人的探戈世界,品味精緻的當地美食,沐浴在阿根廷人的熱情中。探索象拉博卡的卡米尼托、聖特爾莫、九七月大道的壯觀以及標誌性的方尖碑、令人嘆為觀止的科隆劇院和歷史悠久的瑞科萊塔墓園等標誌性景點。別錯過沉醉於一場晚餐探戈表演,並品味精緻的阿根廷牛肉,配以一杯馬爾貝克紅酒。 當我們踏上巴塔哥尼亞的征程時,您將被大自然的奇跡所著迷,從埃爾卡拉法特和令人驚嘆的佩里托莫雷諾冰川開始,以及洛斯格拉西亞雷斯國家公園內的其他迷人冰川。我們的旅程繼續進入智利,抵達普內圖那泰爾斯,您將探索令人陶醉的托雷斯德爾帕內國家公園。 我們的冒險告一段落,前往智利現代之心的聖地亞哥,那裡等待著您。發現這個國家的金融和商業中心,您可以參加當地葡萄酒莊之旅和葡萄園參觀。別錯過探索鄰近的維納德爾馬爾和瓦爾帕萊索等城市的機會。 您準備好展開一場探索阿根廷和智利最佳之處的12夜奧德賽了嗎? 照片 Previous Next 行程 第一天 布宜诺斯艾利斯:抵达首都 欢迎来到布宜诺斯艾利斯,这是阿根廷充满活力的首都,也是南美洲最重要的城市之一。在降落在米尼斯特罗·皮斯塔里尼国际机场(也被称为埃塞萨)后,您将沉浸在这座城市的欧洲风格建筑、丰富的历史、探戈的迷人世界、美味的美食以及当地人所称的“波尔特尼奥斯人”的热情拥抱中。您将在这个独特的城市度过三个夜晚,第一天是用于休息的。然而,如果您是一个急于立刻探索的活跃旅行者,可以考虑我们提供的可选旅游活动。我们提供各种选择,以满足不同的兴趣: 布宜诺斯艾利斯私人城市之旅 跟随我们的专家导游进行引人入胜的3.5小时徒步旅行。 布宜诺斯艾利斯的阿根廷美食体验 沉浸在令人愉悦的互动和美味的烹饪冒险中。 蒂格雷和帕拉那三角洲的半日游 在距布宜诺斯艾利斯仅30公里的自然奇观上进行半日游。 在La Bistecca享用欢迎晚餐 在波多默德罗的一家餐厅享用丰盛的自助晚餐。 带午餐的拉普拉塔河船游 搭乘洪贝托·M号船出发,享受拉普拉塔河沿途的风景与美味午餐。 第二天 布宜诺斯艾利斯:城市之旅和探戈晚宴秀 在享用早餐后,我们将进行一场引人入胜的4小时城市之旅,探索布宜诺斯艾利斯的精华。老实说,布宜诺斯艾利斯是南美洲最具欧洲风格的城市,这要归功于20世纪初阿根廷曾经位居世界第六大国时的建筑影响。 我们的旅程覆盖了城市的各个部分,确保您获得丰富的体验。我们将从拉博卡(La Boca)开始,这里有著名的卡米尼托(Caminito)和博卡青年队体育场,被称为“拉博莫内拉”(La Bombonera)。我们的旅程继续前往圣特尔莫(San Telmo),这是布宜诺斯艾利斯的另一个标志性街区。如果您的访问恰好在星期日,您将有机会探索著名的圣特尔莫集市,那里是一个充满有趣古董的宝库。 此次旅行还包括参观历史悠久的五月广场(Plaza de Mayo),这里有政府大楼“罗莎之家”(Casa Rosada)、市政大厦(Cabildo)、大教堂以及与这个标志性广场相关的无数故事。您将看到方尖碑和7月9日大道,然后是壮观的科隆剧院,它是世界上最重要的歌剧院之一。如果您感兴趣,可以选择参加由导游带领的参观游;请提前咨询购票事宜。 我们的旅程将带我们穿越城市的其他地区,包括雷科莱塔(Recoleta)、帕勒莫(Palermo)和普伊尔托·马德罗(Puerto Madero)等街区,后者是一个焕发生机的滨水地区,提供令人愉悦的美食体验。在这里,您可以结束您的旅程,享用美味的午餐,品味当地美食。 下午,您将有自由时间进一步探索这座城市。考虑前往科隆剧院参加徒步游或前往蒂格雷三角洲(Tigre Delta)进行游览。 晚上,您可以选择参加可选活动,如迷人的探戈秀或在晚上返回酒店休息,准备明天的冒险。请浏览以下选项: 带有徒步游的科隆剧院导览 由我们的专家导游带领的为期3小时的徒步游,包括参观科隆剧院。 布宜诺斯艾利斯夜晚之城市之旅:帕勒莫夜生活 探索时尚的帕勒莫街区,品味出色的啤酒。 布宜诺斯艾利斯之夜:科连特斯大街和披萨体验 在晚上体验布宜诺斯艾利斯,重点放在科连特斯大街和独特的阿根廷披萨上。 拉普拉塔河船游与午餐 乘坐胡安贝托·M号船进行一次愉快的船程,并享用美味的午餐。 布宜诺斯艾利斯的Fogón烧烤体验 探索传统阿根廷烧烤的现代演绎。 前往蒂格雷三角洲的半日游 在距离布宜诺斯艾利斯仅30公里的蒂格雷三角洲发现大自然的天堂。 在拉文塔(La Ventana)享用晚餐探戈秀 在布宜诺斯艾利斯品味独特的晚餐探戈秀! 第三天 布宜诺斯艾利斯:享受乡村之旅。参观 […]

The Maipo Canyon

the maipo canyon from santiago

The Maipo Canyon El Cajón del Maipo is one of the natural attractions of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile, located at the foot of the Andes mountain range. It is an Andean canyon where you can make very varied excursions and walks. The main city is San José de Maipo, capital of the […]

Colchagua Valley and Santa Cruz

Colchagua Valley and Santa Cruz Chile is synonymous with good wines, and the Santiago region has a lot to offer in this regard. Indeed, one of the valleys with the greatest international prestige in the country is the Colchagua Valley. Nestled in the heart of the central zone, it is the icon of wine production […]

Patagonia Tours from Buenos Aires

patagonia from buenos aires arg

Patagonia Tours from Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina is a highlight itself of course, with the Tango, the unique gastronomy, the local culture, museums, Caminito, La Boca, San Telmo, La Recoleta, Palermo… and much, much more. But, it´s also the gate to visit the amazing world of Patagonia, the remote and […]

Jujuy: What to see, when to go, how is the weather?

What to see in Jujuy? When to go? How is the weather in Jujuy? I´m sure, if you are planning a trip to the Argentine northwest, you have seen that although many attractions suggested for the area are in the province of Jujuy, the programs start from the city of Salta, in the province of […]

Why visiting Salta, Jujuy and the Northwest? What´s the Best season?

Salta & Argentinian Northwest

Why visiting Salta, Jujuy and the Northwest? Salta is the starting point to visit different attractions in the Argentinian northwest. It´s a city with better hotels, gastronomy and travel infrastructure in the area. From Salta, many activities and visits can be done, and it´s the reason why you have to reach Salta to start visiting […]

The Malbec Wine in Mendoza

malbec wine in mendoza, argentina_Mesa de trabajo 1

The Malbec Wine in Mendoza Are you a wine lover? Do you like wine with flavours to tobacco, blueberries..? Well, the Malbec is for me, a perfect wine. This wine, with origins in France, was perfectly adapted to Argentina´s soils and weather. And it´s today, the emblematic grape in our country.  Main production is located […]

Mendoza: Wineries in the Uco Valley

Wine Adventure in Casa de Uco, Mendoza

Wineries in the Uco Valley, Mendoza In my last article, I presented the area of Lujan de Cuyo as one of the most important places where you can go and visit different wineries and vineyards. You can see my article here: Wineries to visit in Lujan de Cuyo But it´s the time for Valle del […]

Is Mendoza safe?

Is Mendoza Safe? Mendoza is a wonderful destination in Argentina, where you can enjoy outdoor activities, unique landscapes, wines, vineyards, wineries, excellent cuisine, and a wonderful city, which is an oasis that receives water from the Andes Mountains. Surely Mendoza is then a very interesting place to visit during your next trip to Argentina. But, […]

The Patagonia Map: The Regions in Patagonia and What to See

Patagonia Map - Regions of Patagonia - How to reach Patagonia?

Patagonia is one of the most famous and fantastic places to visit in South America. It´s a vast area shared by two countries: Argentina and Chile, with an incredible variety of landscapes and incredible attractions to enjoy. Some of them are worldwide famous: Perito Moreno Glacier, and Torres del Paine, but also Ushuaia and the […]

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