Where is Mendoza - Argentina?
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Where is Mendoza in the map?

Where is Mendoza in the map?

Mendoza is the capital of the province of Mendoza, and it´s located in the west area of the country, on the Andes chain. You can arrive from Buenos Aires by taking a 2-hour flight. There are many frequencies a week that links the capital city with Mendoza.




Mendoza: What is the exact location?

But, what´s the exact location? Well, Mendoza is located 32°53′25″South, and  68°50′50″West.



You also can arrive to Mendoza by land. Distance from Buenos Aires city is 1056 km, and there are several bus services that goes from Buenos Aires to Mendoza every day. Anyway, international travellers usually choose to fly and save time for the visits. Mendoza can be combined with other great destinations in the north, like Salta, Jujuy and Iguazu Falls. Take a look to the following tour. It´s one of my favourites:


Tours visiting Mendoza

We have many tours to visit Mendoza, combined with other desinations in Argentina. One of my favorites is the 104 tour called the Argentinian North



More tours to visit Mendoza and Argentina

We have many options available. Check our complete list of tours to visit Argentina


Tours visiting Argentina. Argentina Tours with RipioTurismo


For more information, just email us at info@ripioturismo.com


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