San Pedro de Atacama: Location map

san pedro de atacama - location map

San Pedro de Atacama: Location Map If you want to visit San Pedro, I´m sure you want to know where to fly and what to see around. So, a map is usually a help with that, a touristic one.  Take a look to our map to see where is located each point of interest in […]

San Pedro de Atacama

SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA PASSA package of activities and excursions with discounts! San Pedro de Atacama is one the most amazing destinations in Chile. A place full of incredible colors and unique attactions like the Puritama Hot Springs, the Tatyo Geysers, Mars and Moon Valley, and the Atacama Salt Flats  Buy a San Pedro de […]

Weather in San Pedro de Atacama: when to go?

WEATHER IN SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA: When to go? See how`s the weather in San Pedro de Atacama month by month   San Pedro de Atacama is the land of indigenous cultures. It is located in the north of Chile, and there you can enjoy its amazing landscapes and its local community with its crafts. […]

What to eat in San Pedro de Atacama?

Picante de Conejo, typical food in San Pedro de Atacama - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile

What to eat in San Pedro de Atacama? The local gastronomy You will find some interesting restaurants in San Pedro and also in the hotels, many with international cuisine, but the local specialties are a very interesting. Taste some of them!   Patasca It s typical preparation from the north of Chile, a spicy stew […]

What to do in San Pedro de Atacama?

San Pedro de Atacama and the Atacama Desert - ripioturismo DMC for ARgentina and Chile

What to do in San Pedro de Atacama? San Pedro de Atacama is the gate to visit one of the most incredible places in Chile and South America. The Atacama Desert offers many amazing attractions with unique excursions you can do during your visit.   The Tatyo Geysers & Puritama Hot Springs Geysers del Tatio […]

How to get to San Pedro de Atacama?

How to arrive to San Pedro de Atacama - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile and Argentina

How to get to San Pedro de Atacama? San Pedro de Atacama is the gate to visit amazing unique landscapes in the Chilean north: the Atacama desert, Tatyo Geysers,  Puritama Hot Springs, Moon and Mars Valley and more. But, how to get San Pedro de Atacama?   Arriving to San Pedro de Atacama by air […]

Tours to Patagonia from Santiago de Chile

from santiago to patagonia-

Tours to Patagonia from Santiago de Chile Of couse, Santiago is usually the gate and the starting point to visit many other destinations in Chile, like San Pedro de Atacama in the north, the remote Easter Island in Polinesia, and some amazing places in Patagonia sush as Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt in the Lakes […]

The Atacama Salt Flat and the Altiplanic Lagoons

The Atacama Salt Flat and the Altiplanic Lagoons The Salar de Atacama is the largest salt deposit in Chile located in the Antofagasta Region and is located exactly between two Chilean communes. The closest city, San Pedro de Atacama, is located 55 km to the north, while the regional capital, Antofagasta, is 316 km to […]

The Moon Valley in Atacama Desert

moon valley atacama desert

The Moon Valley in Atacama Desert What is the Moon Valley? Well, it is one of the most visited places in San Pedro de Atacama and is located 17 kilometers from the center of the town which is the gate to visit the incredible Atacama desert, in the area of ​​the Cordillera de la Sal. […]

The amazing Tatyo Geysers in the Atacama Desert

The amazing Tatyo Geysers in Atacama Desert The first thing we must say about this wonderful site is that the Tatio Geysers are the highest geometric field in the world, where water and steam violently burst from the ground. They are more than four thousand meters above sea level, making them the highest geysers in […]

Best Tours in Atacama

Best tours to visit The Atacama Desert San Pedro de Atacama is amazing place.  One of the most incredible places you can find in South America. Of course, the desert is an incredible place to visit once you arrive at this area located in the north of Chile. The Tatyo Geysers (Geysers de Tatio) are […]

RIPIOTURISMO INTERVIEWS: Tierra Atacama, a wonderful place in the chilean north!

RIPIOTURISMO INTERVIEWS: Tierra Atacama in the chilean north! We met Fiona Martin, from Tierra Hotels, to talk about Tierra Atacama and their services San Pedro de Atacama is one of the highlights when you visit Chile, and Atacama desert a must-see. One of the best places to stay during your visit is Tierra Atacama. Today, […]

Approximated flight times between destinations in Chile & Argentina

Destinatinos in Chile and flight times - RipioTurismo DMC for Chile

Approximated flight times in Chile and Argentina When you visit Chile, an extense country from north to south, you may be would be interested in check what are the flight times between the main destinations. You can fly from Santiago to San Pedro de Atacama, but how long is that flight? And what about your […]

370 – 智利全程游 – 15晚

370 – 智利全程游 – 15晚 探索 ‘智利完整之旅’,一段令人難以忘懷的15夜之旅,揭示了智利聖地亞哥和其他四個令人嘆為觀止的目的地之美:托雷斯德爾帕內、湖區、阿塔卡馬沙漠和復活節島。在這個獨特的項目中,您將展開一段15夜之旅,始於聖地亞哥,南美洲最現代化的城市之一。 體驗這個地區的魅力,品味當地的美酒,探索標誌性的瓦爾帕萊索碼頭,參觀傳奇的巴勃羅·聶魯達之家,沐浴在維納德爾馬爾著名沙灘的壯觀中,並參加到畫廊和葡萄園之旅,位於如畫的邁波峽谷和康查瓜山谷。愉悅在普爾圖瓦爾斯延續,您將沉浸在湖區的自然仙境中,湖泊、山脈、火山和翠綠森林交相輝映。 接下來,您的旅程將帶您前往令人驚嘆的托雷斯德爾帕內,這是巴塔哥尼亞的徒步勝地,是必見之處。這個自然天堂為愛好大自然的人提供了一個寧靜的避世之地。向北,阿塔卡馬沙漠在等待著您,邀您探索其獨特的沙漠景觀。這個乾燥的地區擁有類似火星和月球谷、舒緩的普里塔馬熱泉以及迷人的塔特約間歇泉等超現實的地點。 結束您的冒險之旅的是復活節島,一個遙遠的波利尼西亞寶石,揭示了豐富的文化畫卷、粉紅色的沙灘和神秘的摩艾雕像。 這個令人難以置信的15夜之旅真的是一生一次的體驗,盡管可能需要額外的一夜來安排內陸飛行連接。您準備好跟隨RipioTurismo展開 ‘智利完整之旅’ 了嗎? 照片 Previous Next 行程 第一天 智利聖地亞哥:歡迎來到首都城市 您已抵達聖地亞哥·梅里諾機場,這是通往智利聖地亞哥的門戶。這個智利首都以其寧靜和乾淨的城市聞名,提供卓越的生活質量。它也是南美洲最重要和人口最多的城市之一。該國大部分的治理工作都在聖地亞哥市中心進行,那裡有像拉·莫涅達(總統府)和武器廣場這樣的地標,還有司法和行政部門。這個城市擁有豐富的博物館和購物中心。充滿活力的區域,如普羅維登西亞、貝拉維斯塔、拉斯孔德斯和維塔庫拉,充滿了企業、商店、餐廳和熱鬧的夜生活。 聖地亞哥的戰略位置使它成為探索景點的理想出發點,例如詩人巴勃羅·聶魯達在伊斯拉內格拉的海灘別墅、距離城市僅60公里的滑雪勝地、位於安第斯山腳下的如卡孔德馬伊波、距離聖地亞哥僅一小時的繁忙港口瓦爾帕萊索,以及維納德爾馬爾等夏季度假勝地,沿著太平洋海岸線。無論是山還是海,聖地亞哥都為無盡的探險提供了一個門戶。 在您抵達後,我們將為您安排前往酒店入住的接送服務。您將有一些自由時間來放鬆。如果您渴望展開探索,可以考慮參加以下其中一個可選的活動: 聖地亞哥·智利半日全景城市遊 沉浸於聖地亞哥·智利迷人的城市風景之中。 第二天 智利聖地亞哥:探索充滿活力的首都 在滿意的早餐後,您的上午冒險將由我們知識豐富的導遊開始,他準備為您介紹南美洲最現代和國際化的首都之一。 聖地亞哥和諧地融合傳統與現代,呈現出一個充滿活力的城市風景。這次遊覽深入探討了該城市的起源,揭示了象大教堂、郵政局、歷史悠久的武器廣場和著名的莫內達宮這樣的標誌性地點,它是智利政府的所在地。您將深入了解歷史中心內傳統社區的魅力,並登上聖塔露西亞山,被當地土著稱為休倫山。這個城市綠洲坐落在城市中心,為您提供了有關智利歷史的迷人見解,以及首都和周圍山脈的壯觀景色。遊覽的第二部分將前往東部,揭示了聖地亞哥的金融區和現代建筑。這次豐富的體驗大約持續4個小時。返回酒店後,您將有一些休閒時間來放鬆。 隨著下午的展開,您可以選擇參加一系列可選的活動: 聖地亞哥·智利半日全景城市遊——沉浸於聖地亞哥城市魅力的令人著迷的半日遊。 參觀聖塔克魯斯和科爾查瓜谷——沉浸於智利聖地亞哥的葡萄酒之心。 前往波邁雷和巴勃羅·聶魯達之家——深入了解著名的智利詩人的生活和作品。 第三天 智利聖地亞哥:探索維納德爾馬爾和瓦爾帕萊索 在飽滿的早餐後,我們的導遊迫不及待地等待著啟程前往維納德爾馬爾和瓦爾帕萊索,引領我們前往智利迷人的海岸。當我們穿越該國主要的葡萄酒生產地區時,您將沿途欣賞到令人嘆為觀止的葡萄園覆蓋的風景,為我們提供了一次真正迷人的行程。我們將停下來拍攝這個令人難以忘懷的區域的一些難忘的照片,這是一個真正的視覺享受。 我們的路線沿著拉波爾沃拉的海濱大道繼續,直到我們到達瓦爾帕萊索,這是智利文化的心臟。它以其五光十色的景色以及遼闊的港口和城市山丘景觀而聞名。我們的探索從普拉特碼頭開始,這是一個歷史悠久的碼頭,上面裝飾著眾多多彩的船只。從索托邁約爾廣場,也是從海上進入瓦爾帕萊索的主要門戶,您將發現自己沉浸在舊城區,這個地方被聯合國教科文組織宣布為世界文化遺產。 我們遊覽的一個亮點是參觀巴勃羅·聶魯達的家博物館,被稱為”拉·塞巴斯蒂安娜”。然後,我們前往五月21日散步道,這是坐落在藝術山腳下的一個自然觀景點。從這個角度,您將品味到瓦爾帕萊索的全景,從蔚藍的海洋到城市景觀以及周圍的山脈。 我們的下一個目的地是維納德爾馬爾,這個名字在西班牙語中翻譯為”海之葡萄園”。這個”花園城市”之所以有這個綽號,您將在參觀城堡山斜坡上的象徵性景點,如花鐘,中發現。在愉快的午餐後,您將有一些自由時間在海灘上曬太陽。 然後,我們將返回您在智利聖地亞哥的酒店,圓滿了一天的探索和難忘的體驗。 第四天 智利聖地亞哥:告別聖地亞哥! 在豐盛的早餐後,您將有自由時間來品味您在這個城市的最後時刻,直到是時候轉移到機場。如果您的出發時間安排在下午或晚上,您可以選擇參加以下其中一個引人入勝的活動: 聖地亞哥·智利半日全景城市遊——沉浸於聖地亞哥城市迷人的半日探索之中。 參觀安杜拉加酒莊並品酒——參加一次難忘的探訪,前往智利最著名的葡萄酒莊之一。 參觀聖塔克魯斯和科爾查瓜谷——深入了解智利聖地亞哥的葡萄酒之心。 歡迎來到湖區 在您抵達蓬圖蒙特機場或普爾圖瓦爾斯碼頭後,我們將迅速將您送到普爾圖瓦爾斯的舒適酒店。這個迷人的小鎮是智利湖區眾多令人興奮活動的理想起點。 當您有一些時間可以放鬆和安頓下來後,如果您是喜歡保持活躍的人,這裡有一系列可選的活動等待著您。探索以下選擇: 普爾圖蒙特和普爾圖瓦爾斯半日城市遊:在一段令人愉快的半日之旅中,深入了解這兩個迷人城市的文化和歷史。 佩特羅維烏河半日漂流:如果您尋求刺激和興奮,不妨嘗試一次令人驚險刺激的白水漂流體驗,前往佩特羅維烏瀑布,其中包括從II級到IV級的急流。 第五天 探索富銳拉爾和普爾圖奧克泰 享用美味的早餐後,準備好在富銳拉爾展開一整天的探索之旅,這是一個位於智利南部洛斯拉戈斯地區的迷人城市和自治市。富銳拉爾坐擁智利境內最大的湖泊——亞內霍埃湖(Lake Llanquihue)的湖濱,因此被親切地譽為 ‘音樂之城’。 […]

Jujuy: What to see, when to go, how is the weather?

What to see in Jujuy? When to go? How is the weather in Jujuy? I´m sure, if you are planning a trip to the Argentine northwest, you have seen that although many attractions suggested for the area are in the province of Jujuy, the programs start from the city of Salta, in the province of […]

Why visiting Salta, Jujuy and the Northwest? What´s the Best season?

Salta & Argentinian Northwest

Why visiting Salta, Jujuy and the Northwest? Salta is the starting point to visit different attractions in the Argentinian northwest. It´s a city with better hotels, gastronomy and travel infrastructure in the area. From Salta, many activities and visits can be done, and it´s the reason why you have to reach Salta to start visiting […]

Enjoying Chile with Tierra Hotels

An excellent itinerary to visit the best of Chile is Enjoying Chile in Tierra Hotels. The program includes three amazing destinations: San Pedro de Atacama, the gate to visit the Atacama Desert, and many attractions in the area; Chiloe Island, a very particular destination in Lakes District; and finally Torres del Paine National Park in […]

ARGENTINA AND CHILE: Average temperatures in summer and winter season

WEATHER IN ARGENTINA AND CHILE If you`re planning your trip to Argentina and Chile, an important item would be the average temperature you can expect during your visit. Of course, temperatures are not the same in Patagonia, in Buenos Aires and Santiago, or in the north area.  The following information is only informative, these are […]

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